The Lakes Board is constantly looking for feedback that will keep us in touch with the thinking and desires of our lake property owners and other stake holders. The first paragraph of the Executive Summary explains how this study was initiated.  We very much appreciated the student’s help in our work.


Jenna Balocca, Sylvia Kauth, Anthony Neri, Jeremy Phillips, Jacob Spears, and Christina Vedder conducted a study for the Minocqua/Kawaguesaga Lakes Protection Association, (MKLPA). Mark Pitman contacted Mr. Umland about having his Marketing class or DECA, an association of marketing students, conduct a research project to find out how MKLPA could potentially advance their organization, recruit more members, and to have those members take an active part in improving and maintaining the quality of the water that hundreds of property owners and thousands of tourist enjoy.

Secondary research proved the value the MKLPA brings in protecting water quality of the lakes. Current articles noted how valuable lake associations are in protecting water quality and property values. It is critical that people take the lead on protecting the quality of the lakes.

The members of the research team created a survey that was mailed to lake front property owners of lakes Minocqua and Kawaguesaga. The results showed that 83.8% of the respondents are current members, and largest group have owned lake front property on the lakes for more than 20 years. Word of mouth, local paper, and brochures were the top 3 ways people heard about the association. Only 64% of members and 49% of non-members are aware of the MKLPA website.

The research illustrated that the $40 charge is appropriate, while the MKLPA should spend those dollars monitoring and controlling invasive species, monitoring lake quality, and educating that clean boats equal clean water. Many would not like to receive MKLPA communications through the email, and the Pig Roast and Silent Auction Fundraisers and the Annual Meeting are the most attended activities of the respondents. Most value the Lake View publication, but most are not interested in lending a hand to MKLPA; 12% of current members are interested in helping, and 0% of non-members are interested in helping the association.

Many of the recommendations focus on the continuation of the outstanding efforts the MKPLA provides. The MKLPA should use those marketing strategies that reach their market: word of mouth, local paper, brochures, and social media. The association needs to seek a volunteer or hire someone to update the website and to make it easier to navigate and to allow people to join the organization and to donate money to the MKLPA. It is recommended that the membership fee be kept at $40, and that monies be spent mainly on monitoring and controlling of invasive species and lake quality.

The MKLPA should continue mailing the Lake View, and determine those members who would enjoy receiving the publication via email to save postage.

The association needs to publicize its efforts wherever possible; using the local paper, MKLPA website, emails, Lake Views, and providing a boat, dock, or vehicle decal to members each year will assist in keeping the association’s objectives in the lime light. Last, the research team feels a study like this should be conducted every 5 years with assistance from the Marketing Program at LUHS.

The research group recognizes the value the MKLPA brings to lakes Minocqua and Kawaguesaga. The efforts of a few assist so many, and the research team applauds the efforts of those who significantly contribute to the efforts of maintaining water quality and recreational opportunities for those who own property or for those who use lakes Minocqua and Kewaguesaga.

It is included as one of the downloadable documents in out Lake Studies/Reports section or you can view the report by clicking below.