MKLPA EWM Management Report 2024
Executive Summary
• Minocqua and Kawaguesaga Lakes in Oneida County, WI have an extensive population of
Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) covering 200+ acres
• To address the EWM population, the Minocqua Kawaguesaga Lakes Protection Association
(MKLPA) and Aquatic Plant Management (APM) have partnered on a program of mechanical
harvesting, diver assisted suction harvesting (DASH), hand harvesting, and herbicide control
• In the 2024, APM completed
– ~11.2 days of mechanical harvesting at 13 locations, removing 5,615 cubic feet
– ~35.6 days of DASH at 12 locations, removing 2,052.5 cubic feet
– ~24.5 days of Hand Harvesting at 11 locations, removing 1,410 cubic feet
– 1 herbicide treatment with ProcellaCOR at two locations on Minocqua Lake
• In total, APM has removed 9,077.5 cubic feet of EWM from Minocqua and Kawaguesaga
Lakes and treated 35.1 acres with herbicide
EWM Management Strategy Spring 2024

ProcellaCOR Treatment Summary

Summarized Harvesting Results
Mechanical Harvesting Commentary
• The bulk of the EWM harvest occurred in June and July when ~90% of the total biomass was removed
• Over 50% of the EWM was harvested from the highest priority zone, D-24 (Ruebentown)
• In August, the harvester operator noted much less density of EWM at the targeted sites
• The original plan of 18 days of harvesting was shortened to ~11 days based on visually seeing less
nuisance EWM at the harvest zones in August and September
• In addition to harvesting, APM conducted fragment collection 3 times coinciding with each harvest
EWM Mechanical Removal Summary

Summarized Manual Removal Results
Manual Removal Commentary
• Over the course of the summer, APM conducted ~36 days of DASH and ~24 days of hand harvesting
• ~2,500 cubic feet (70%) was from 7 sites on Kawaguesaga Lake, and the remaining ~950 cubic feet was
removed from 8 sites on Minocqua Lake
• The dive teams noticed in August that the amount of biomass being removed per underwater hour
dropped significantly, especially for the hand harvesting teams

EWM Manual Removal Summary