Some readers may not be aware that Big Arbor Vitae, Little Arbor Vitae, Carroll Lake and Madeline Lake drain into Minocqua Lake via the Minocqua Thoroughfare. Consequently, phosphorus issues in the watershed and water area of these lakes will also impact our two lakes.

When a drop of rain falls within our watershed, technically it could enter our lakes. Of course much of the rain is absorbed into the soil. However, in the case of major storms much of the water will end up in a lake in our watershed and sooner or later flow over the dam. The same kind of thinking is appropriate for pollution as well. If there is pollution present in the watershed it can end up in the lakes. Our watershed is quite large so we are subject to water problems in many different locations.

Lake Water Area Max Depth Mean Depth
Big Arbor Vitae 1090 acres 41 ft. 18 ft.
Little Arbor Vitae 534 acres 32 ft. 11ft.
Carrol Lake 352 acres 27 ft. 16 ft.
Madeline Lake 159 acres 17 ft. 9 ft.
  Chain 2135 acres    
Little Tomahawk 160 acres 48 ft . 28 ft.
Tomahawk 3392 acres 84 ft. 33 ft.
Mid Lake 223 acres 12 ft. 6 ft.
  Chain 3775 acres    
Lake Minocqua 1360 acres 60 ft. 23 ft.
Lake Kawaguesaga 670 acres 44 ft. 18 ft.
  Chain 2030 acres    
Entire Watershed 7940 acres